One thing that suprised me i went to russia first time ever around a month ago to Petrozadvosk Kareliya. when i were there the second day i heard someone play viktor tsoy ''sun called star'' from their mobile phone. and i got very suprised. days later i even saw people had written '' V tsoy'' and KINO on a few walls. i got so happy it really made my day! and it made me feel noone will ever forget him.  Happy birthday Viktor, Tsoy lives from Sweden :)

Russian expression da net

sometimes we use "да" differently. It doesn't always mean "yes".
[15:10:23] Dami: in this case it's like "well no"
[15:11:08] Dami: but also not quite so. It's the closest english equivalent i could think of. Basically this cannot be explained, only with examples of particular contexts and situations
[15:11:40] Dami: да нет sometimes can be something like "nope".
[15:12:51] Dami: if it's a peaceful situation. If it's a strong denial then it's like "but no!" or "hell no!"
[15:13:14] Dami: usually "нет" part is a bit stretches like this "да нееет"
Sometimes Russians use "да" differently. It doesn't always mean "yes".
in this case it's like "well no"
but also not quite so. It's the closest english equivalent i could think of. Basically this cannot be explained, only with examples of particular contexts and situations.
да нет sometimes can be something like "nope".
if it's a peaceful situation. If it's a strong denial then it's like "but no!" or "hell no!"
usually "нет" part is a bit stretched like this "да нееет" or  in this particular other case it's like "hell no, naaah"
But if someone says calmly "да нет" it's usually a slight implication..... and if to widen it a bit it would be like "maybe you thought so, but nah, it's not true, you're wrong".
So if i tell you "hey, your brother is probably telling shit about me, eh?", you can just say "да нет", and it'd be like "nope, and why would you think so".

Lepa sela lepo gore 1996 Pretty Village, Pretty Flame

Inspired by real events that took place in the opening beginning of the war in Bosnia, a story about a small group of Bosnian Serb soldiers trapped in a tunnel by the Bosnian force.
Through flashbacks that describe the pre-war life of every captured soldier, the film describes life in the former Yugoslavia and try to give some background as to why former neighbors and friends turned on each other.

The soldiers in the tunnel began to think about everything before the war when it did not matter if a person is Muslim, Orthodox or Catholic, where there was no war and everything was shared.

Brother Брат Russian film from 1997

An incredibly interesting and awesome movie from where you can see the post Soviet era
Danila is a former soldier in the Russian army, he just came home from military service to his hometown. At the urging of his mother, he decides to go to St. Petersburg to not only find work but also his older brother Victor, who has lived there for years, he start doing criminal activity to help his brother that with his problems with the Chechen mafia.

There is also a second film named brother 2
music in this movie has affect me much i found alot of cool Russian rock bands! such as DDT, BI2 and Nautilus Pompilius.

Basic Russian Grammar

5th Slavic words and similiaritys!

We are back! and now it's the 5th slavic words and similarities

Well we had Da so now its time for No! in a few slavic langauges

you can see it's only Russian langauge that says Net. and im sure there is a few morelangauges that says Ne.

Bulgarian Не.

Croatian Ne.


Polish Nie

Czeckian Ne.


Russian Нет.

Serbian Не.

Slovakian Nie.

Slovenian Ne.

Belarusian Ne.

Nicija Zemlja No man's land Ничија земља Ničija zemlja

I watched this great movie from balkan about a war most people in Western Europe has forgotten,
a war that did not lead anything except nationalism and genocide.
a country where there was a batch of several languages and many religions the country of the south slavs, Yugoslavia! How could such country fall in such a way..

About the film..

The film is set during the Bosnian war in which a Bosnian Muslims and Serb are caught in the same trench and it is no man's land between the Bosnian and Serbian line. Either side refuses cease-fire and soon the whole world found out about the task when the UN is engaged. In the trenches set a tragic comic drama between the two enemy soldiers quickly realize and begin to remember everything they had in common before the war.





The young builder of communism Little Octobrist

Little Octobrists formed in Moscow 1923 it got the name from October Revolution of 1917.
Children between 7 and 9 years of age. After 9 year of age did most join the Young Pioneer Organization of the Soviet Union.

Every Little Octobrist  did wear a pin with the earliest photographs of Lenin with a red star.
Around 1976-1986
the number of Little Octobrists In The Soviet Union was 8-10 million children.

Around 1976-1986 the number of Little Octobrists In The Soviet Union was 80-10 million children.

Comrade Tito, we are joyal to you!

Josip Broz Tito the true leader of Yugoslavia.

None of our republics would be anything if we weren't all together; but we have to create our own history - history of United Yugoslavia, also in the future

an interview with sergei kuzmenko Kino still lives! Tolmach Z-exit Сергей Кузьменко


I wrote to Sergei the famous Russian on youtube that makes cover songs by Kino. and here was his reply.

Hello. I can tell u a little. I was born in Kiev, Ukraine in 1984 I started to play guitar in 2000, before many people used to tell me that I look like Victor Tsoy, than I decided to learn the guitar. At that time I played trumpet, whent to music school and than music College but for trumpet. Guitar was to me as my hobby. I started my own band called "Zapasnoj vihod" Emergency exit", later we made it short Z-exit. In 2002 before moving from Ukraine to US me and my band recorded 11 songs 10 of them were my original songs, but in Victor's style. From 2002 till now I play in Victor Tsoy style but adding my own stuff. When I play shows around US, Russia or Canada or any other places I always play my own song as well as Victor's. In 2008 I was invited to play in a movie "Shapiro-show" in English "Circus-Show" it was great expereance. I played one of the main roles in one of the novels. There was also Petr Mamonov, one of the most famous actors in Russia and post soviet countries. Movie is comming out soon. In 2010 I was invited to sing at one of the bigest shows in Russia The Big Difference. It was shown on the first chanel prime time. In November we shot a video in Boston, Ma. called Noviy den (A New day) Video became popular throughout the internet. Planning on recording a new CD

The Cyrillic alphabet in Latin form

There are many ways to write the Cyrillic alphabet

but I thought I'd show you how to write it with the Latin Slavic alphabet.




SH = Š = Ш 

CH = Č = Ч

ZH = Ž = Ж






Slavic words and similarities 4

We are back! now its time for the 4th Slavic words and similiaritys!

What are you doing?
in 10 slavic languages!

Какво правиш?

што правите?

Что вы делаете?

Ukrainian Що ви робите?

Serbian Шта

što radiš?

co ty robisz?

čo to robíš?

Slovenian kaj

Czeckian co to děláš?

If I did type a mistake let us know!


1/1 2011 Russian airplane exploded

Russian passenger plane with 128 people on board, The plane  caught fire and exploded later at an airport in Siberia on Saturday.

Three people reportedly killed and 34 injured in the accident.

Savez pionira Jugoslavije; Slovene: Zveza pionirjev Jugoslavije. Union of Pioneers of Yugoslavia

Danas, kada postajem pionir,
dajem časnu pionirsku riječ/reč -
da ću marljivo učiti i raditi,
poštovati roditelje i starije,
i biti vjeran/veran i iskren drug,
koji drži datu riječ/reč.
Da ću voljeti/voleti našu domovinu, samoupravnu
socijalističku federativnu republiku Jugoslaviju,
da ću razvijati bratstvo i jedinstvo
i ideje za koje se borio drug Tito.
Da ću cijeniti/ceniti sve ljude svijeta/sveta koji žele slobodu i mir!

In English:

Today, as I become a Pioneer,
I give my Pioneer's word of honour -
That I shall study and work diligently,
respect parents and my seniors,
and be a loyal and honest comrade/friend.
That I shall love our homeland, self-managed
socialist federal republic of Yugoslavia.
That I shall spread brotherhood and unity
and the principles for which comrade Tito fought.
And that I shall value all peoples of the world who respect freedom and peace!

''Forum'' Soviet russian pop-rock group

"Forum" - the Soviet and Russian pop-rock group, founded by Alexander Morozov in the spring of 1983.
The first performance took place in February 1984 in the Czech town of Sokolov in the festival "Rock for Peace". The song "Do you understand me", written by Fadeev, has been named one of the best. The group then several more months given concerts in the Soviet Union and in July is almost completely disbanded - Fadeev, Yermolin, Komarov and Bogdanov went to Kaliningrad and started a new group called "Home".

Remaining in Leningrad bassist Alexander Nazarov and sound Lazarus Anastasiadi decided to recreate the group again. The central figure of the second set was a singer Viktor Saltykov, who in May 1984 as part of the "manufactory" was named best vocalist II Festival of the Leningrad rock club. In addition, they were joined by Yuri stihaniya (guitar), Michael Menaker (keyboards) and Alexander Dronik (drum machine, percussion). In September, they had a concert at the Palace of Youth, which turned into a resounding success, and in December released debut album, White Night. Immediately after the release team departed guitarist stihaniya, preferring heavy music, he joined a group of Gunnar Grapsa. His replacement was adopted by Nicholas Kablukov

  • 1985 — Белая ночь (belaya noch)
  • 1988 — Никто не виноват (nikto ne vinovat)
  • 1992 — Чёрный дракон (chernvyi drakon)
  • 1993 — Летняя зима (letnyaya zima)
  • 1994 — Очи чёрные (ochi chenbye)

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