Savez pionira Jugoslavije; Slovene: Zveza pionirjev Jugoslavije. Union of Pioneers of Yugoslavia
- Danas, kada postajem pionir,
- dajem časnu pionirsku riječ/reč -
- da ću marljivo učiti i raditi,
- poštovati roditelje i starije,
- i biti vjeran/veran i iskren drug,
- koji drži datu riječ/reč.
- Da ću voljeti/voleti našu domovinu, samoupravnu
- socijalističku federativnu republiku Jugoslaviju,
- da ću razvijati bratstvo i jedinstvo
- i ideje za koje se borio drug Tito.
- Da ću cijeniti/ceniti sve ljude svijeta/sveta koji žele slobodu i mir!
In English:
Today, as I become a Pioneer,
I give my Pioneer's word of honour -
That I shall study and work diligently,
respect parents and my seniors,
and be a loyal and honest comrade/friend.
That I shall love our homeland, self-managed
socialist federal republic of Yugoslavia.
That I shall spread brotherhood and unity
and the principles for which comrade Tito fought.
And that I shall value all peoples of the world who respect freedom and peace!
Postat av: Jelena
I was actually the last generation of pioneers. I had the cap with the star, and the red ribbon around my neck with a golden ring. This was our oath when we started school, every child knew it by heart of course :)))