One thing that suprised me i went to russia first time ever around a month ago to Petrozadvosk Kareliya. when i were there the second day i heard someone play viktor tsoy ''sun called star'' from their mobile phone. and i got very suprised. days later i even saw people had written '' V tsoy'' and KINO on a few walls. i got so happy it really made my day! and it made me feel noone will ever forget him.  Happy birthday Viktor, Tsoy lives from Sweden :)

5th Slavic words and similiaritys!

We are back! and now it's the 5th slavic words and similarities

Well we had Da so now its time for No! in a few slavic langauges

you can see it's only Russian langauge that says Net. and im sure there is a few morelangauges that says Ne.

Bulgarian Не.

Croatian Ne.


Polish Nie

Czeckian Ne.


Russian Нет.

Serbian Не.

Slovakian Nie.

Slovenian Ne.

Belarusian Ne.

Comrade Tito, we are joyal to you!

Josip Broz Tito the true leader of Yugoslavia.

None of our republics would be anything if we weren't all together; but we have to create our own history - history of United Yugoslavia, also in the future

1/1 2011 Russian airplane exploded

Russian passenger plane with 128 people on board, The plane  caught fire and exploded later at an airport in Siberia on Saturday.

Three people reportedly killed and 34 injured in the accident.

Savez pionira Jugoslavije; Slovene: Zveza pionirjev Jugoslavije. Union of Pioneers of Yugoslavia

Danas, kada postajem pionir,
dajem časnu pionirsku riječ/reč -
da ću marljivo učiti i raditi,
poštovati roditelje i starije,
i biti vjeran/veran i iskren drug,
koji drži datu riječ/reč.
Da ću voljeti/voleti našu domovinu, samoupravnu
socijalističku federativnu republiku Jugoslaviju,
da ću razvijati bratstvo i jedinstvo
i ideje za koje se borio drug Tito.
Da ću cijeniti/ceniti sve ljude svijeta/sveta koji žele slobodu i mir!

In English:

Today, as I become a Pioneer,
I give my Pioneer's word of honour -
That I shall study and work diligently,
respect parents and my seniors,
and be a loyal and honest comrade/friend.
That I shall love our homeland, self-managed
socialist federal republic of Yugoslavia.
That I shall spread brotherhood and unity
and the principles for which comrade Tito fought.
And that I shall value all peoples of the world who respect freedom and peace!

''Our Comrades, The Soviet Union is under danger''

''Our Comrades, The Soviet Union is under danger'' These words were said by former soviet general secretary M. Gorbachev, before 26th December of 1991, cause in this day the Supreme Soviet meets and formally dissolves the Soviet Union.

In this time people lived in stress, and in worries about tomorrow, no one would even imagine in Soviet Union, that their motherland will be sold and resolved to capitalist system that after invades these lands.

For this day, we call everyone to think about tomorrow and remember the past, cause a lot of work is ahead of us, and we need to unite and fight for justice and freedom, for the workers class.

United we will be able to move and stand strong against the capitalist aggressors and build up new society, the society in Socialism and lead it towards Communism.

Nothing goes easily, but everything can come true, and it is up to us, to think and work hard, to find fast and progressive way towards our Victory. We must organize and that is the job of each of us!

/ICP Chairman

The election in Belarus!

Election in Belarus

Russian movie vozvrashcheniye from 2003 (återkomsten)

The Return

Andrey and Ivan are two Russian teenage brothers who grew up without a father, . The only trace of their father even existed is an old photograph...

Two boys live somewhere in the Russian countryside. They do it as boys in the 13-14 age usually do. Plays, fight One day when they come home to their mother are a man there. Their mom says it's dad. A father that they do not remember, because he has been away from his family the past twelve years.


Russian phrases/English phrases ;)

Good day Dobry den Добрый день
Hi / Hello Privet Привет
How do you do / Hello Zdravstvujte Здравствуйте
My dear dorogaya moya Дорогая моя
My sweet milaya moya Милая моя
I love you so much Ya tak lyublyu tebia Я так люблю тебя
How are you? Kak vashi dela? Как ваши дела?
Good Morning dobroye utro Доброе утро
Good night dobroy nochi Доброй ночи
What are you doing now? Chem ty seychas zanimaeshsya? Чем ты сейчас занимаешься?
I dream to meet a woman to share my life with Ya mechtayu vstretit zhencshiny, chtoby razdelit s ney moyu zhizn Я мечтаю встретить женщину, чтобы разделить с ней мою жизнь
Not too bad neplokho Неплoхо
I am happy you are fine Ochen rad chto u tebya vsyo khorosho Очень рад, что у тебя все хорошо
How are you? kak pozhivaesh? Как поживаешь?
Fine, and how are you? harosho, a kak ty? Хорошо, а как ты?
Not too bad


Will you marry me? ti viydesh zamuzh za menya? Ты выйдешь замуж за меня?
I liked your photo and message very much Mne ochen ponravilas vasha photographiya i pismo Мне очень понравилась ваша фотография и письмо
I would like to correspond with you Ya khotel by perepisyvat'sya s vami Я хотел бы переписываться с вами
I understand you ya tebya panimayu Я тебя понимаю
I don't understand you ya ne panimayu tebia Я не понимаю тебя
Unfortunately, I can not yet speak Russian K sozhaleniyu, ya poka ne govoryu po russki К сожалению, я пока не говорю по-русски
You are so cute ti takaya prelesnaya Ты такая прелестная
You are so beautiful ti takaya krasivaya Ты такая красивая
Good-bye do svidaniya До свидания
See you soon do vstrechi До встречи
Good luck udachi Удачи
Bye for now Poka Пока
I wish you all the best Zhelayu vsego khoroshego Желаю всего хорошего
Do you speak English? Govorite li vy po angliyski? Говорите ли вы по-английски?
I dream to meet a girl to be together for the rest of our lives Ya mechtayu vstretit devyshku, s kotory ya mog by prozhit vsyu zhizn Я мечтаю встретить девушку, с которой я мог бы прожить всю жизнь
I dream to meet a woman to share my life with Ya mechtayu vstretit zhencshiny, chtoby razdelit s ney moyu zhizn Я мечтаю встретить женщину, чтобы разделить с ней мою жизнь
Thank you Spasiba Спасибо
I am looking for a girl who wants to love and be loved Ya ischu devushku, kotoraya khochet lyubit i bit luybimoy Я ищу девушку, которая хочет любить и быть любимой
I would like to know more about you Mne by khotelos uznat o tebe pobolshe Мне бы хотелось узнать о тебе побольше
How do you do? zdravstvuyte kak dela? Здравствуйте как дела?
For me it's very unusual way of meeting people. (I don't usually meet people in this way) Dlya menya eto ochen' neobychny sposob znakomstva Для меня это весьма необычный способ знакомства
Bye! Poka! Пока!
I kiss you Tseluyu Целую
You are so unusual ti takaya neobichnaya Ты такая необычная
Are you OK? ty v poryadke? Ты в порядке?
I am happy you are fine Ochen rad chto u tebya vsyo khorosho Очень рад, что у тебя все хорошо
What is your name? kak vas zavut Как Вас зовут?
Speak louder, please govori pazhaluista gromche Говори пожалуйста громче
Please, speak slower govori pazhaluista medlennee Говори пожалуйста, медленнее
I Missed You So Much ya tak silno skuchal pa tibe Я так сильно скучал по тебе
Yours faithfully S uvazheniem С уважением
I can't wait for your answer S neterpeniem zhdu otveta С нетерпением жду ответа
You are so kind ti takaya dobraya Ты такая добрая
Please write back Pishi Пиши
Hello (on the phone) allo Aлло
Is that Olga? eto Olga? Это Ольга?
This is Michael Eto gavarit Mikhael Это говорит Михаель
Could I speak to Olga? Pazavite pazhalusta Olgu Позовите, пожалуйста Ольгу
I'll call again ya perezvonyu Я перезвоню
Tell her Michael called peredayte ey chto zvonil Mikhael Передайте ей, что звонил Михаель
Do you understand me? vy ponimayete meniya? Вы понимаете меня?
Is Olga at home? Olga doma? Ольга дома?
Whom am I talking to? s kem ya gavaryu? С кем я говорю?
That's all for the moment Poka vsyo Пока все
I love you very much and ask you to be my wife ya ochen lyublyu tebya i prashu stat mayey zshenoy Я очень люблю тебя и прошу стать моей женой
You drive me crazy ya skhazshu po tebe s uma Я схожу по тебе с ума
I am waiting for your response Zhdu vashego otveta Жду вашего ответа
I need you so much ty tak nuzshna mne Ты так нужна мне
(I wish you) Happiness and health! Schast'ya i zdorov'ya! Счастья и здоровья!
Welcome dabro pozhalovat Добро пожаловать
All I want is you were my wife vsyo chevo ya hachu chtoby tee stala mayey zshenoy Всё чего я хочу чтобы ты стала моей женой
I wish you all the best Zhelayu vsevo khoroshego Желаю всего хорошего
I don't know ya ne znayu Я не знаю
My sincere greetings with ... Ot vsey dushi pozdravlyayu tebya s ... От всей души поздравляю тебя с ...
...(your) birthday! ...dnyom rozhdeniya! ... днем рождения!
...New Year! ...Novym Godom! ...Новым Годом!
...Christmas! ...Rozhdestvom! ...Рождеством!
You are so sweet ti takaya milaya Ты такая милая
(I wish you) Success! Uspekhov! Успехов!
Let's get married davay pazshenimsya Давай поженимся
See you later da vstrechi до встречи
How are you feeling kak ty sebya chuvstvuesh? Как ты себя чувствуешь?
I hope you are feeling well Nadeyus ty sebya harosho chuvstvuesh Надеюсь, ты себя хорошо чувствуешь
I am fine U menya vsyo khorosho У меня все хорошо
I have no special news U menya vsyo po prezhnemu У меня все по-прежнему
Am I speaking fast? ya bystro gavaryu? Я быстро говорю?
Excuse me izvinite Извините
Merry Christmas s razhdеstvom С Рождеством
Happy New Year s novim godom С Новым годом
I wish you best of luck in a New Year udachi v novom godoo Удачи в Новом Году
I can't remember how it's called ya ne magu vspomnit kak eto nazyvayetsya Я не могу вспомнить, как это называется
Please Pozhalujsta Пожалуйста
Is everything all right? vsyo v poryadke? Всё в порядке?
I can't live without you ya ne magu bez tebya zshit Я не могу без тебя жить
Congratulations! Pozdravlyayu! Поздравляю!
Believe me paver mne Поверь мне
one moment please minutu, pazhalusta Минуту, пожалуйста
I dream about the day when we'll be one family ya mechtayu o tom dne kogda mee stanem odnoy semyoy Я мечтаю о том дне, когда мы станем одной семьёй
How is everything? kak dela? Как дела?
Yes Da Да
No Net Нет
Today Sevodnya Сегодня
Yesterday Vchera Вчера

Брошенные города в Украине The abandoned town in Ukraine

Fil:Pripjat Panorama.jpg

The abandoned town in Ukraine

Pripjat (Ukrainian: Прип'ять) is an abandoned city in Kiev Oblast of northern Ukraine, near the border with Belarus. It was abandoned in 1986 after the Chernobyl disaster, and had before it was abandoned about 50 000 inhabitants.

Why they built the city?
They built the city for the nuclear power plant Chernobyl and before the accident it was an open city, and proximity to nuclear power was not seen as a problem.

The accident
The accident occurred on the night of April 26, 1986 at 01:23:45 when the four reactor on the outskirts of the city Pripjat. an explosion and a cloud of radioactive particles spread by winds over large parts of Europe.
And more then
50 000 citizens were forced to escape.

After the accident

Until recently, the city was practically seen as a museum documenting the Soviet era ended. Housing, swimmingpool, hospitals and all other buildings were abandoned, along with everything that was inside, including toys, clothing, sheets and photographs, and more. The residents were only allowed to take with them documents, books and clothes that are not contaminated.

However, most houses got looted in the early 2000s,

Внимание, внимание! Уважаемые товарищи! Never forget what happened to the Soviet Union in 1986

Warning Warning
Dear Comrades
The City Council of People's Deputies reported that in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the town of Pripyat emerging adverse radiation environment.
Party and government bodies, military units are taking the necessary measures.

However, to ensure full security of people and, especially, children, it is necessary to hold the temporary evacuation of residents of the nearby settlements of the Kiev region.

To do this, each apartment building today, April 27, from 14:00 hours ...

Внимание! Внимание!
Уважаемые товарищи!
Городской Совет народных депутатов сообщает, что в связи с аварией на Чернобыльской атомной электростанции в городе Припяти складывается неблагоприятная радиационная обстановка.
Партийными и советскими органами, воинскими частями принимаются необходимые меры.

Однако с целью обеспечения полной безопасности людей, и, в первую очередь, детей, возникает необходимость провести временную эвакуацию жителей города в близлежащие населённые пункты Киевской области.

Для этого, к каждому жилому дому сегодня, 27 апреля, начиная с 14:00 часов ...

Критика насилия со стороны полиции в Кыргызстане Criticism of police violence in Kyrgyzstan

Security forces in Kyrgyzstan facilitated violence against ethnic Uzbeks around the towns of Jalal-Abad and Osh in June, accusing the human rights organization Human Rights Watch in a new report.

"Witnesses have told the gunmen followed the armored vehicles, shot and chased away the remaining inhabitants and then let the mob loot and burn down houses," wrote Human Rights Watch in its report published on Monday.

"Government forces helped lynch mob, whether intentionally or unintentionally... A further issue to be explored is whether they also actively participated in the attacks, and if so to what extent".

Human Rights Watch also accused the Kyrgyz authorities to have focused much more heavily against the Uzbeks during the investigations carried out after the riots, in which up to 2000 people are believed to have been killed.

Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Uzbeks were forced to escape the violence. The authorities have accused supporters of the ousted president in the spring Kurmanbek Bakiyev to have nurtured fears, in order to discredit the country's new leadership.

China passed Japan in the economic league

China passed Japan in the economic league

China passed Japan in the second quarter and was the world's second largest economy behind the U.S., shows the official Japanese government tasks.

from the swedish news

Two years since genocide against South Ossetian

Two years since genocide against South Ossetian people by Georgian aggression, let us remember people that died!

Русский магазин в Швеции Russian Store in Sweden

добрый день!!

I just found a swedish store for russian food and sweets and Products, Maybe you could help me to find something to buy from there? something you like!

here is the link russian! please comment!


Nora Bumbiere

Nora Bumbiere

Nora Bumbiere (13 March 1947 to 12 January 1994) was a Latvian music-hall art singer and was one of the most popular singer in Latvia. She becomed more famous in 1960, when she started to work together with composer Raimond Paul, but in 1970, she becomed the most famouse singers in Latvia, by singing in ensemble ''Modo'' and also  in duet with Viktor Lapchenok.
Nora Bumbiere was born in city Jelgava. And in her school times, she got good singing talent. In 15 years, N. Bumbiere was pregnant and because of that, whent to evening school and than joined a cultural music-hall art group in Jelgava, and in the late of the 60s she was noticed by composer Raimond Paul, who later invited her to Riga in his own music-hall art orchestr of Riga. The first popular music of Nora Bumbiere was "Papu saki mammai pats".


Шведские шоколадные шарики Swedish chocolate balls

''Swedish chocolate balls''

This time, it is not a Slavic thing, I want to share with you a recipe for russian speakers and english.

75 grams butter or marg.
1 ½ cup sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
4 cups rolled oats
Two tablespoons cocoa
3 tablespoons cold strong coffee

Mix together everything but the coffee as you stir in the end, roll them in the nib.

75 грамм масла / марг.
1 ½ чашки сахара
1 столовая ложка ванильного сахара
4 чашки овсяных хлопьев
2 столовые ложки какао
3 столовые ложки холодного крепкого кофе

Cмешайте все, кроме кофе,кофе вливайте последним вовремя помешивания. Получившееся сверните перышками




привет! Hi!



I have just started my blog.
I will try to post materal from Russia and former Soviet states, and much more!

Russian Cyrillic letters do not look so hard as you think.
when I started to learn Russian I thought it was impossible to learn the Cyrillic letters,
but it was easy!

Here are they!


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