''Our Comrades, The Soviet Union is under danger''

''Our Comrades, The Soviet Union is under danger'' These words were said by former soviet general secretary M. Gorbachev, before 26th December of 1991, cause in this day the Supreme Soviet meets and formally dissolves the Soviet Union.

In this time people lived in stress, and in worries about tomorrow, no one would even imagine in Soviet Union, that their motherland will be sold and resolved to capitalist system that after invades these lands.

For this day, we call everyone to think about tomorrow and remember the past, cause a lot of work is ahead of us, and we need to unite and fight for justice and freedom, for the workers class.

United we will be able to move and stand strong against the capitalist aggressors and build up new society, the society in Socialism and lead it towards Communism.

Nothing goes easily, but everything can come true, and it is up to us, to think and work hard, to find fast and progressive way towards our Victory. We must organize and that is the job of each of us!

/ICP Chairman


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