The young builder of communism Little Octobrist

Little Octobrists formed in Moscow 1923 it got the name from October Revolution of 1917.
Children between 7 and 9 years of age. After 9 year of age did most join the Young Pioneer Organization of the Soviet Union.

Every Little Octobrist  did wear a pin with the earliest photographs of Lenin with a red star.
Around 1976-1986
the number of Little Octobrists In The Soviet Union was 8-10 million children.

Around 1976-1986 the number of Little Octobrists In The Soviet Union was 80-10 million children.

an interview with sergei kuzmenko Kino still lives! Tolmach Z-exit Сергей Кузьменко


I wrote to Sergei the famous Russian on youtube that makes cover songs by Kino. and here was his reply.

Hello. I can tell u a little. I was born in Kiev, Ukraine in 1984 I started to play guitar in 2000, before many people used to tell me that I look like Victor Tsoy, than I decided to learn the guitar. At that time I played trumpet, whent to music school and than music College but for trumpet. Guitar was to me as my hobby. I started my own band called "Zapasnoj vihod" Emergency exit", later we made it short Z-exit. In 2002 before moving from Ukraine to US me and my band recorded 11 songs 10 of them were my original songs, but in Victor's style. From 2002 till now I play in Victor Tsoy style but adding my own stuff. When I play shows around US, Russia or Canada or any other places I always play my own song as well as Victor's. In 2008 I was invited to play in a movie "Shapiro-show" in English "Circus-Show" it was great expereance. I played one of the main roles in one of the novels. There was also Petr Mamonov, one of the most famous actors in Russia and post soviet countries. Movie is comming out soon. In 2010 I was invited to sing at one of the bigest shows in Russia The Big Difference. It was shown on the first chanel prime time. In November we shot a video in Boston, Ma. called Noviy den (A New day) Video became popular throughout the internet. Planning on recording a new CD

''Forum'' Soviet russian pop-rock group

"Forum" - the Soviet and Russian pop-rock group, founded by Alexander Morozov in the spring of 1983.
The first performance took place in February 1984 in the Czech town of Sokolov in the festival "Rock for Peace". The song "Do you understand me", written by Fadeev, has been named one of the best. The group then several more months given concerts in the Soviet Union and in July is almost completely disbanded - Fadeev, Yermolin, Komarov and Bogdanov went to Kaliningrad and started a new group called "Home".

Remaining in Leningrad bassist Alexander Nazarov and sound Lazarus Anastasiadi decided to recreate the group again. The central figure of the second set was a singer Viktor Saltykov, who in May 1984 as part of the "manufactory" was named best vocalist II Festival of the Leningrad rock club. In addition, they were joined by Yuri stihaniya (guitar), Michael Menaker (keyboards) and Alexander Dronik (drum machine, percussion). In September, they had a concert at the Palace of Youth, which turned into a resounding success, and in December released debut album, White Night. Immediately after the release team departed guitarist stihaniya, preferring heavy music, he joined a group of Gunnar Grapsa. His replacement was adopted by Nicholas Kablukov

  • 1985 — Белая ночь (belaya noch)
  • 1988 — Никто не виноват (nikto ne vinovat)
  • 1992 — Чёрный дракон (chernvyi drakon)
  • 1993 — Летняя зима (letnyaya zima)
  • 1994 — Очи чёрные (ochi chenbye)

Kino - kogda tvoya devushka bolna Кино - Когда твоя девушка больна

Кино - Когда твоя девушка больна

• Lyrics & chords by the great singer Viktor Tsoi (Russian Виктор Цой)

C              Am
Denj kak denj  
F                       G
Toljko tы pochemu to grustishj
C                Am
I vokrug vse pojut
F                           G
Toljko tы odin molchishj
Poterjal appetit
I ne hocheshj shoditj v kino.
Tы ideshj v magazin,
Chtobы kupitj vino.
C                           Am
Solnce svetit i rastet trava
F                  G
No tebe ona ne nuzhna
C                    Am
Vse ne tak i vse ne to
F                                  G
Kogda tvoja devushka boljna
Tы ideshj v magazin,
Golovoju ponik,
Kak budto issjak
Chistыj gornыj rodnik.
Ona gde-to lezhit,
Est med i pjet aspirin,
I vot tы ideshj
Na vecherinku odin.
Solnce svetit, i rastet trava,
No tebe ona ne nuzhna.
Vse ne tak, i vse ne to,
Kogda tvoja devushka boljna.
Na vecherinku odin,
Kogda tvoja devushka boljna.

C              Am
День как день  
F                       G
Только ты почему то грустишь
C                Am
И вокруг все поют
F                           G
Только ты один молчишь
Потерял аппетит
И не хочешь сходить в кино.
Ты идешь в магазин,
Чтобы купить вино.
C                           Am
Солнце светит и растет трава
F                  G
Но тебе она не нужна 
C                    Am
Все не так и все не то
F                                  G
Когда твоя девушка больна
Ты идешь в магазин,
Головою поник,
Как будто иссяк
Чистый горный родник.
Она где-то лежит,
Ест мед и пьет аспирин,
И вот ты идешь
На вечеринку один.
Солнце светит, и растет трава,
Но тебе она не нужна.
Все не так, и все не то,
Когда твоя девушка больна.
На вечеринку один,
Когда твоя девушка больна.

Русский суп борщ Russian soup borshj, Borscht, borsch, (boršč)

400g beef
2 average red beets
200g cabbage
4 little potatoes
1 carrot
2 tomatoes
1 tsp. vinegar
salt and pepper, to taste
spring onions

Eat with bread and put some sour cream in the soup.

enjoy your meal! - приятного аппетита

Slavic word and similarities 2

Good morning in 10 slavic langauges

Russian доброе утро

Macedonian добро утро

Serbian добро јутро

Bulgarian добро утро

Croatian dobro jutro

Belarusian добрае раніца

Ukranian доброго ранку

Polish dzień dobry

Czeck dobré ráno

Slovakian dobré ráno
/revnost moya rodina

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Тень Чернобыля

  • In 1986 occurred the worst nuclear disaster in the world at the Chernobyl nuclear power. The authorities in the Soviet Union established a 30 km large evakueringszon around the plant, but in 2006 a second explosion rocked the stricken reactor, destroyed all living things and moved the zone's boundaries outward. From this epicenter came waves of mutations ...


Русский секретный атомный город в огне Russian secret atomic city in fire

Normal text Stor text Extra stor text

Runt den stängda ryska atomstaden Ozersk rasar bränderna.

Crisis meeting to prevent disaster
Around the closed Russian nuclear city of Ozersk raging fires.
Radioactive particles likely to spread by the wind and ash, "says Natalya Manzurova in Ozersk

The authorities in Ozersk echo introduced under emergency conditions. Today, a crisis meeting held.

- There are no procedures for evacuation of the inhabitants of Ozersk. The fact is that those who were born not even exist in the registry, "says Natalya Manzurova, who worked as a physicist at the city
nuclear facility Mayak in 14 years.

The closed city

Ozersk was long so secret that it did not appear on maps.

The city's Created 9 November 1945. Long called for only a number, first 40, then 65th

Nuclear plant Mayak in the city was long the principal of the Soviet and produced plutonium for the country's first atomic bomb.

When the first nuclear reactor was built in security spray bad. Initially, radioactive waste was thrown into the River.

When the accident occurred in 1957 prohibited the doctor to make a diagnosis that had to do with radiation damage. 125 000 persons were affected.

Board exports, including radioactive isotopes, to over 40 countries.

Source: Uralpress

Translation from Swedish news

-Ой, опять чебурахнулся Cheburashka

-Ой, опять чебурахнулся..

Chebuashka a symbol of Russia! maybe the most cute animal on earth, Chebuashka came in with a box of oranges and appeared in a cartoon made by Soyuzmultfilm. I think everyone knows Chebuashka and his friend Gena the crocodile. even in Sweden we made a own version. and showed the Soviet version.

Watch Cheburashka here!


Последний герой The last hero


On  August 15th, Viktor Tsoi died 20 years ago,

Viktor tsoi member of the band ''Kino'' Grew up in Leningrad and started to write songs at the age of 17 years old. Tsoi gave hope and said to the people we need to ''change'' he wrote songs that touched many people`s heart,  one of them is Пачка сигарет which means pack of cigarettes


Бронзовый солдат Bronze Soldier of Estonia.

Bronze Soldier of Estonia.

Is a statue of a Soviet soldier in military uniform. it is also sometimes mentioned as Aljosja statue was erected September 22, 1947 in central Tallinn to commemorate the  victory over Nazi Germany 1945.   


Estonia's government in April 2007, wanted to move the monument, which led to large demonstrations. April 30 they placed the statue in its new location on the Estonian defense forces cemetery in Tallinn.
and there it stands still..

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