''Forum'' Soviet russian pop-rock group

"Forum" - the Soviet and Russian pop-rock group, founded by Alexander Morozov in the spring of 1983.
The first performance took place in February 1984 in the Czech town of Sokolov in the festival "Rock for Peace". The song "Do you understand me", written by Fadeev, has been named one of the best. The group then several more months given concerts in the Soviet Union and in July is almost completely disbanded - Fadeev, Yermolin, Komarov and Bogdanov went to Kaliningrad and started a new group called "Home".

Remaining in Leningrad bassist Alexander Nazarov and sound Lazarus Anastasiadi decided to recreate the group again. The central figure of the second set was a singer Viktor Saltykov, who in May 1984 as part of the "manufactory" was named best vocalist II Festival of the Leningrad rock club. In addition, they were joined by Yuri stihaniya (guitar), Michael Menaker (keyboards) and Alexander Dronik (drum machine, percussion). In September, they had a concert at the Palace of Youth, which turned into a resounding success, and in December released debut album, White Night. Immediately after the release team departed guitarist stihaniya, preferring heavy music, he joined a group of Gunnar Grapsa. His replacement was adopted by Nicholas Kablukov

  • 1985 — Белая ночь (belaya noch)
  • 1988 — Никто не виноват (nikto ne vinovat)
  • 1992 — Чёрный дракон (chernvyi drakon)
  • 1993 — Летняя зима (letnyaya zima)
  • 1994 — Очи чёрные (ochi chenbye)

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