Nora Bumbiere

Nora Bumbiere

Nora Bumbiere (13 March 1947 to 12 January 1994) was a Latvian music-hall art singer and was one of the most popular singer in Latvia. She becomed more famous in 1960, when she started to work together with composer Raimond Paul, but in 1970, she becomed the most famouse singers in Latvia, by singing in ensemble ''Modo'' and also  in duet with Viktor Lapchenok.
Nora Bumbiere was born in city Jelgava. And in her school times, she got good singing talent. In 15 years, N. Bumbiere was pregnant and because of that, whent to evening school and than joined a cultural music-hall art group in Jelgava, and in the late of the 60s she was noticed by composer Raimond Paul, who later invited her to Riga in his own music-hall art orchestr of Riga. The first popular music of Nora Bumbiere was "Papu saki mammai pats".



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