Savez pionira Jugoslavije; Slovene: Zveza pionirjev Jugoslavije. Union of Pioneers of Yugoslavia

Danas, kada postajem pionir,
dajem časnu pionirsku riječ/reč -
da ću marljivo učiti i raditi,
poštovati roditelje i starije,
i biti vjeran/veran i iskren drug,
koji drži datu riječ/reč.
Da ću voljeti/voleti našu domovinu, samoupravnu
socijalističku federativnu republiku Jugoslaviju,
da ću razvijati bratstvo i jedinstvo
i ideje za koje se borio drug Tito.
Da ću cijeniti/ceniti sve ljude svijeta/sveta koji žele slobodu i mir!

In English:

Today, as I become a Pioneer,
I give my Pioneer's word of honour -
That I shall study and work diligently,
respect parents and my seniors,
and be a loyal and honest comrade/friend.
That I shall love our homeland, self-managed
socialist federal republic of Yugoslavia.
That I shall spread brotherhood and unity
and the principles for which comrade Tito fought.
And that I shall value all peoples of the world who respect freedom and peace!

''Forum'' Soviet russian pop-rock group

"Forum" - the Soviet and Russian pop-rock group, founded by Alexander Morozov in the spring of 1983.
The first performance took place in February 1984 in the Czech town of Sokolov in the festival "Rock for Peace". The song "Do you understand me", written by Fadeev, has been named one of the best. The group then several more months given concerts in the Soviet Union and in July is almost completely disbanded - Fadeev, Yermolin, Komarov and Bogdanov went to Kaliningrad and started a new group called "Home".

Remaining in Leningrad bassist Alexander Nazarov and sound Lazarus Anastasiadi decided to recreate the group again. The central figure of the second set was a singer Viktor Saltykov, who in May 1984 as part of the "manufactory" was named best vocalist II Festival of the Leningrad rock club. In addition, they were joined by Yuri stihaniya (guitar), Michael Menaker (keyboards) and Alexander Dronik (drum machine, percussion). In September, they had a concert at the Palace of Youth, which turned into a resounding success, and in December released debut album, White Night. Immediately after the release team departed guitarist stihaniya, preferring heavy music, he joined a group of Gunnar Grapsa. His replacement was adopted by Nicholas Kablukov

  • 1985 — Белая ночь (belaya noch)
  • 1988 — Никто не виноват (nikto ne vinovat)
  • 1992 — Чёрный дракон (chernvyi drakon)
  • 1993 — Летняя зима (letnyaya zima)
  • 1994 — Очи чёрные (ochi chenbye)

''Our Comrades, The Soviet Union is under danger''

''Our Comrades, The Soviet Union is under danger'' These words were said by former soviet general secretary M. Gorbachev, before 26th December of 1991, cause in this day the Supreme Soviet meets and formally dissolves the Soviet Union.

In this time people lived in stress, and in worries about tomorrow, no one would even imagine in Soviet Union, that their motherland will be sold and resolved to capitalist system that after invades these lands.

For this day, we call everyone to think about tomorrow and remember the past, cause a lot of work is ahead of us, and we need to unite and fight for justice and freedom, for the workers class.

United we will be able to move and stand strong against the capitalist aggressors and build up new society, the society in Socialism and lead it towards Communism.

Nothing goes easily, but everything can come true, and it is up to us, to think and work hard, to find fast and progressive way towards our Victory. We must organize and that is the job of each of us!

/ICP Chairman

The election in Belarus!

Election in Belarus

Slavic words and similarities 3

Lets have a look at some slavic word and similaritys agian!
I can also tell you that in Romania they use the word ''Da'' for yes! just like in russian, serbian and so on. but it's not a slavic langauge but they have many loan words from other slavic langauges. And the word tak in example polish means in russian ''So''


Russian Да




Croatian Da

Slovenian Da



Polish Tak


Czeckian Ano

Kino - kogda tvoya devushka bolna Кино - Когда твоя девушка больна

Кино - Когда твоя девушка больна

• Lyrics & chords by the great singer Viktor Tsoi (Russian Виктор Цой)

C              Am
Denj kak denj  
F                       G
Toljko tы pochemu to grustishj
C                Am
I vokrug vse pojut
F                           G
Toljko tы odin molchishj
Poterjal appetit
I ne hocheshj shoditj v kino.
Tы ideshj v magazin,
Chtobы kupitj vino.
C                           Am
Solnce svetit i rastet trava
F                  G
No tebe ona ne nuzhna
C                    Am
Vse ne tak i vse ne to
F                                  G
Kogda tvoja devushka boljna
Tы ideshj v magazin,
Golovoju ponik,
Kak budto issjak
Chistыj gornыj rodnik.
Ona gde-to lezhit,
Est med i pjet aspirin,
I vot tы ideshj
Na vecherinku odin.
Solnce svetit, i rastet trava,
No tebe ona ne nuzhna.
Vse ne tak, i vse ne to,
Kogda tvoja devushka boljna.
Na vecherinku odin,
Kogda tvoja devushka boljna.

C              Am
День как день  
F                       G
Только ты почему то грустишь
C                Am
И вокруг все поют
F                           G
Только ты один молчишь
Потерял аппетит
И не хочешь сходить в кино.
Ты идешь в магазин,
Чтобы купить вино.
C                           Am
Солнце светит и растет трава
F                  G
Но тебе она не нужна 
C                    Am
Все не так и все не то
F                                  G
Когда твоя девушка больна
Ты идешь в магазин,
Головою поник,
Как будто иссяк
Чистый горный родник.
Она где-то лежит,
Ест мед и пьет аспирин,
И вот ты идешь
На вечеринку один.
Солнце светит, и растет трава,
Но тебе она не нужна.
Все не так, и все не то,
Когда твоя девушка больна.
На вечеринку один,
Когда твоя девушка больна.

Русский суп борщ Russian soup borshj, Borscht, borsch, (boršč)

400g beef
2 average red beets
200g cabbage
4 little potatoes
1 carrot
2 tomatoes
1 tsp. vinegar
salt and pepper, to taste
spring onions

Eat with bread and put some sour cream in the soup.

enjoy your meal! - приятного аппетита

Slavic word and similarities 2

Good morning in 10 slavic langauges

Russian доброе утро

Macedonian добро утро

Serbian добро јутро

Bulgarian добро утро

Croatian dobro jutro

Belarusian добрае раніца

Ukranian доброго ранку

Polish dzień dobry

Czeck dobré ráno

Slovakian dobré ráno
/revnost moya rodina

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Тень Чернобыля

  • In 1986 occurred the worst nuclear disaster in the world at the Chernobyl nuclear power. The authorities in the Soviet Union established a 30 km large evakueringszon around the plant, but in 2006 a second explosion rocked the stricken reactor, destroyed all living things and moved the zone's boundaries outward. From this epicenter came waves of mutations ...


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