an interview with sergei kuzmenko Kino still lives! Tolmach Z-exit Сергей Кузьменко


I wrote to Sergei the famous Russian on youtube that makes cover songs by Kino. and here was his reply.

Hello. I can tell u a little. I was born in Kiev, Ukraine in 1984 I started to play guitar in 2000, before many people used to tell me that I look like Victor Tsoy, than I decided to learn the guitar. At that time I played trumpet, whent to music school and than music College but for trumpet. Guitar was to me as my hobby. I started my own band called "Zapasnoj vihod" Emergency exit", later we made it short Z-exit. In 2002 before moving from Ukraine to US me and my band recorded 11 songs 10 of them were my original songs, but in Victor's style. From 2002 till now I play in Victor Tsoy style but adding my own stuff. When I play shows around US, Russia or Canada or any other places I always play my own song as well as Victor's. In 2008 I was invited to play in a movie "Shapiro-show" in English "Circus-Show" it was great expereance. I played one of the main roles in one of the novels. There was also Petr Mamonov, one of the most famous actors in Russia and post soviet countries. Movie is comming out soon. In 2010 I was invited to sing at one of the bigest shows in Russia The Big Difference. It was shown on the first chanel prime time. In November we shot a video in Boston, Ma. called Noviy den (A New day) Video became popular throughout the internet. Planning on recording a new CD

The Cyrillic alphabet in Latin form

There are many ways to write the Cyrillic alphabet

but I thought I'd show you how to write it with the Latin Slavic alphabet.




SH = Š = Ш 

CH = Č = Ч

ZH = Ž = Ж






Slavic words and similarities 4

We are back! now its time for the 4th Slavic words and similiaritys!

What are you doing?
in 10 slavic languages!

Какво правиш?

што правите?

Что вы делаете?

Ukrainian Що ви робите?

Serbian Шта

što radiš?

co ty robisz?

čo to robíš?

Slovenian kaj

Czeckian co to děláš?

If I did type a mistake let us know!


1/1 2011 Russian airplane exploded

Russian passenger plane with 128 people on board, The plane  caught fire and exploded later at an airport in Siberia on Saturday.

Three people reportedly killed and 34 injured in the accident.

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