Зачем учить русский язык? Why learn Russian?

Why learn Russian?

Russian is an incredibly beautiful language!
I have heard that there are words that can not be translated into other languages,
which is really interesting.  during Soviet times Russian was first or second language, many of the former Soviet states they are people who have Russian as their first language, and most understand the Russian language,
which means that Russian is an international language.

few Russian phrases today

Здравствуйте = Hi

хорошо = Good

Спасибо =

Как поживаешь = How are you?

Oткуда вы? = Where are you from?

Как тебя зовут? = What's your name?

До свидания = Goodbye

Zdravstvuĭte = Hi
horosho = Good

Spasibo = Thanks

Kak pozhivaeshʹ = How are you?

Otkuda vy? = Where are you from?

Kak tebya zovut? = What's your name?

Do svidaniya = Goodbye



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