Brother Брат Russian film from 1997

An incredibly interesting and awesome movie from where you can see the post Soviet era
Danila is a former soldier in the Russian army, he just came home from military service to his hometown. At the urging of his mother, he decides to go to St. Petersburg to not only find work but also his older brother Victor, who has lived there for years, he start doing criminal activity to help his brother that with his problems with the Chechen mafia.
There is also a second film named brother 2
music in this movie has affect me much i found alot of cool Russian rock bands! such as DDT, BI2 and Nautilus Pompilius.

Basic Russian Grammar
5th Slavic words and similiaritys!
We are back! and now it's the 5th slavic words and similarities
Well we had Da so now its time for No! in a few slavic langauges
As you can see it's only Russian langauge that says Net. and im sure there is a few morelangauges that says Ne.
Bulgarian Не.
Croatian Ne.
Macedonian Не
Polish Nie
Czeckian Ne.
Ukranian не.
Russian Нет.
Serbian Не.
Slovakian Nie.
Slovenian Ne.
Belarusian Ne.
Well we had Da so now its time for No! in a few slavic langauges
As you can see it's only Russian langauge that says Net. and im sure there is a few morelangauges that says Ne.
Bulgarian Не.
Croatian Ne.
Macedonian Не
Polish Nie
Czeckian Ne.
Ukranian не.
Russian Нет.
Serbian Не.
Slovakian Nie.
Slovenian Ne.
Belarusian Ne.