Внимание, внимание! Уважаемые товарищи! Never forget what happened to the Soviet Union in 1986

Warning Warning
Dear Comrades
The City Council of People's Deputies reported that in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the town of Pripyat emerging adverse radiation environment.
Party and government bodies, military units are taking the necessary measures.
However, to ensure full security of people and, especially, children, it is necessary to hold the temporary evacuation of residents of the nearby settlements of the Kiev region.
To do this, each apartment building today, April 27, from 14:00 hours ...
Внимание! Внимание!
Уважаемые товарищи!
Городской Совет народных депутатов сообщает, что в связи с аварией на Чернобыльской атомной электростанции в городе Припяти складывается неблагоприятная радиационная обстановка.
Партийными и советскими органами, воинскими частями принимаются необходимые меры.
Однако с целью обеспечения полной безопасности людей, и, в первую очередь, детей, возникает необходимость провести временную эвакуацию жителей города в близлежащие населённые пункты Киевской области.
Для этого, к каждому жилому дому сегодня, 27 апреля, начиная с 14:00 часов ...
Критика насилия со стороны полиции в Кыргызстане Criticism of police violence in Kyrgyzstan
Security forces in Kyrgyzstan facilitated violence against ethnic Uzbeks around the towns of Jalal-Abad and Osh in June, accusing the human rights organization Human Rights Watch in a new report.
"Witnesses have told the gunmen followed the armored vehicles, shot and chased away the remaining inhabitants and then let the mob loot and burn down houses," wrote Human Rights Watch in its report published on Monday.
"Government forces helped lynch mob, whether intentionally or unintentionally... A further issue to be explored is whether they also actively participated in the attacks, and if so to what extent".
Human Rights Watch also accused the Kyrgyz authorities to have focused much more heavily against the Uzbeks during the investigations carried out after the riots, in which up to 2000 people are believed to have been killed.
Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Uzbeks were forced to escape the violence. The authorities have accused supporters of the ousted president in the spring Kurmanbek Bakiyev to have nurtured fears, in order to discredit the country's new leadership.
"Witnesses have told the gunmen followed the armored vehicles, shot and chased away the remaining inhabitants and then let the mob loot and burn down houses," wrote Human Rights Watch in its report published on Monday.
"Government forces helped lynch mob, whether intentionally or unintentionally... A further issue to be explored is whether they also actively participated in the attacks, and if so to what extent".
Human Rights Watch also accused the Kyrgyz authorities to have focused much more heavily against the Uzbeks during the investigations carried out after the riots, in which up to 2000 people are believed to have been killed.
Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Uzbeks were forced to escape the violence. The authorities have accused supporters of the ousted president in the spring Kurmanbek Bakiyev to have nurtured fears, in order to discredit the country's new leadership.
China passed Japan in the economic league
China passed Japan in the economic league
China passed Japan in the second quarter and was the world's second largest economy behind the U.S., shows the official Japanese government tasks.
from the swedish news http://www.vk.se/Article.jsp?article=369633
Русский секретный атомный город в огне Russian secret atomic city in fire
Crisis meeting to prevent disaster
Around the closed Russian nuclear city of Ozersk raging fires.
Radioactive particles likely to spread by the wind and ash, "says Natalya Manzurova in Ozersk
The authorities in Ozersk echo introduced under emergency conditions. Today, a crisis meeting held.
- There are no procedures for evacuation of the inhabitants of Ozersk. The fact is that those who were born not even exist in the registry, "says Natalya Manzurova, who worked as a physicist at the city nuclear facility Mayak in 14 years.
The closed city
Ozersk was long so secret that it did not appear on maps.
The city's Created 9 November 1945. Long called for only a number, first 40, then 65th
Nuclear plant Mayak in the city was long the principal of the Soviet and produced plutonium for the country's first atomic bomb.
When the first nuclear reactor was built in security spray bad. Initially, radioactive waste was thrown into the River.
When the accident occurred in 1957 prohibited the doctor to make a diagnosis that had to do with radiation damage. 125 000 persons were affected.
Board exports, including radioactive isotopes, to over 40 countries.
Source: Uralpress
Ozersk was long so secret that it did not appear on maps.
The city's Created 9 November 1945. Long called for only a number, first 40, then 65th
Nuclear plant Mayak in the city was long the principal of the Soviet and produced plutonium for the country's first atomic bomb.
When the first nuclear reactor was built in security spray bad. Initially, radioactive waste was thrown into the River.
When the accident occurred in 1957 prohibited the doctor to make a diagnosis that had to do with radiation damage. 125 000 persons were affected.
Board exports, including radioactive isotopes, to over 40 countries.
Source: Uralpress
Translation from Swedish news http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article7594607.ab
Two years since genocide against South Ossetian
Two years since genocide against South Ossetian people by Georgian aggression, let us remember people that died!
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